Natia is committed to helping those affected by cancer during this challenging time.
We never want to be a financial burden to our community, so we have reduced our price and made more of our content free.
We have also made a 14 days of kindness programme that anyone with a computer or smartphone can access for free.
Natia is a digital therapeutic that offers safe mind body interventions grounded in science.
Yoga cultivates kind awareness of the breath, body and mind through gentle movements and
resting practices.
Meditation brings compassionate awareness of the present moment.
Music can reduce stress, calm emotions and induce relaxation.
Conversation reduces isolation by hearing real-life dialogue by people affected by cancer.
-Dame Laura Lee
Head of Maggie's
-Dr. Karol Sikora
Former Chief of WHO Cancer Programme
Available on the Apple App store now!
Coming Soon on the Google Play store
If you are interested in discovering more about Natia, please let us know